Here is just a quick little post on our favorite careers for The Sims 3.
For those of you who have played the sims for a good amount of time, you've noticed that you spend a lot of time at work, which can dampen the fun a bit. The funny part about this is, you don't ever make that much money when working for various businesses in town.
The money is in being self employed.
Specifically, Writing and Painting.
When paired with the right traits (artistic, perfectionist, ambitions, bookworm, etc), these two career paths can be the quickest way to make money.
Writing is great, as it fills you with a longer lasting source of income. When you write a book, you will make money for each page submitted to the publisher, and upon release of the title, you will make royalties for several weeks after.
I currently have a sim that is a writer, have been playing him on and off for a little over a month now, and he has about $8.6MIL.
Painting is great as well. It doesn't take nearly as long to paint a full painting than it does to write a full book, but it pays accordingly. You make one paycheck, at the time you sell the painting.. It can range anywhere from a couple hundred, to tens of thousands of simoleons per painting.
Again, you will make much more money in the long run, taking the writer approach, but if you don't want to dedicate hours of time to stacking up a huge list of award winning titles, go the artist route.
Thats it for now...
Happy simming!